1. To love people more. To love God most. (Matthew 22:37-39)
2. To use the comfort that God has given me through my past hurts to be a comfort to those who are now hurting. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
3. To be slower to give my own advice and quicker to listen to the advice of others. (Proverbs 12:15; James 1:19)
4. To make every effort to strengthen myself spiritually even more than I do to strengthen myself physically. (1 Timothy 4:8)
5. To use my words to build others up, not to tear them down. (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
6. To remember that my times of weakness can actually be times for God’s strength to shine through. (2 Corinthians 12:10)
7. To be more diligent with my thought life, keeping my mind focused on those things that are true and noble and pure and lovely. (Colossians 3:2; Philippians 4:8)
8. To recognize daily that I am in a spiritual battle. (Ephesians 6:12; 1 Peter 5:8)
9. To be more thankful for the little blessings in addition to all the big ones. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
10. To be more authentic in my faith by going out of my way to be there for those who don’t have others in their lives who really care about them. (James 1:27)
11. To make the hard decisions to eliminate those things in my life that cause me to conform to the pattern of this world rather than be transformed into Christlikeness. (Romans 12:2)
12. To recognize that God is there with me during the difficult times instead of thinking that He’s forgotten about me. (Psalm 23; Hebrews 13:5b)
13. To be patient and realize that God is working things out in my life for my good that I can’t quite see at the time. (Romans 8:28)
14. To surround myself with others who sharpen my faith walk instead of those who tend to take me down wayward paths. (Proverbs 27:17; 1 Corinthians 15:33)
15. To never lose hope even when all seems hopeless. (Isaiah 40:31)
Which resolution resonates the most with you?