17 for ’17: New Year’s Resolutions for Christian Single Adults


Which resolutions resonate most with you?

1) When I’m at the crossroads of making a decision, I’ll commit to the path that will glorify God the most even if it does not bring me the most immediate personal satisfaction.  (Revelation 4:11)

2) My relationship status will not define me in 2017.  My relationship with God will be the foundation of my identity.  (2 Corinthians 5:17)

3) God’s word will be a lamp to my feet and a light to my path, informing and illuminating every step that I take.  (Psalm 119:105)

4) I will not hold my past sins against me since God doesn’t.  (Psalm 103:12)

5) I will depend more on God’s strength than believing I can do it all on my own.  (Philippians 4:23)

6) When I am blessed, I will in turn use that blessing to be a blessing to others.
(Genesis 12:2)

7) Any new dating relationship will be measured against one simple criteria: Will it bring me closer to God or move me further away?  (James 4:8)

8) I will thirst for God in ways that I have never thirsted for Him before.  (Psalm 63:1)

9) I will graciously serve others with a desire to point them to God’s compassion and mercy.  (Matthew 5:16)

10) I will surround myself with wise voices that will pour God’s Truth and loving correction into my life.  (Proverb 15:22)

11) I will not let my singleness inhibit my involvement with and contribution to the Body of Christ.  (1 Corinthians 7:32-35)

12) I will carefully reevaluate anything in my life that  begins to take a greater priority than God does.  (Exodus 20:3)

13) During the difficult times when I am immersed in the valleys, I will hold on to God’s promise that He can work all things together for my good.  (Romans 8:28)

14) I will freely offer forgiveness not just to absolve others of their guilt but also to extend freedom to myself.  I refuse to let others’ past offenses against me define me and hold me back.  (Ephesians 4:32)

15) I will relinquish to God any anger that I am holding in my heart before I rest my head on my pillow every night.  (Ephesians 4:26)

16) I will not covet what others have, including their marriages.  (Exodus 20:17)

17) God has spiritually gifted me as a believer, and I intend to find purpose in a special and unique way as I serve in the sweet spot of that giftedness.  (1 Corinthians 12)

Resolutions are only as good as their follow through.  May God bless you with an incredible 2017 as you live out your singleness fully devoted to Him.

Dr. Greg Belcher, Lead Pastor of Fellowship Church of Burbank (California), former Pastor of Single Adults @ Hope Community Church (Raleigh, NC)

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